Monday, January 30, 2012

Thing 14

My Delicious username is:

I think that social bookmarking can be a valuable tool in my teaching by allowing me and my colleagues to share useful resources quickly and efficiently with one another. If one of us finds a great website to use in class we can quickly add it to Delicious and then tell our fellow teachers to look on our Delicious website for the tag/link to the site. It can also be useful for our students if they missed seeing a video we can send them the link to our Delicious site and they can find it and view it. We can also fill our Delicious site with extra help websites for our students to use. I think Delicious is a great way to enhance my productivity by adding in the right tags I can eliminate the search time to find what I am looking for in my normal favorites file. I will also allow me to have everything at my fingertips as well as my students.

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